New York trio School Of Seven Bells did a cool live set on KCRW‘s Morning Becomes Eclectic a few weeks ago on December 3, 2008.
It was available for download in .mp3 and .mp4 formats for a short while, but the links are no longer active. You can still stream the show both audibly and visually if you like here.
Host Jason Bentley interviews the three — Benjamin Curtis, Alejandra Deheza, and Claudia Deheza — which results in a lovely tidbit regarding the band’s name. The major highlight is “Connjur” which SVIIB plays both wonderfully and hauntingly.
I hope I didn’t miss them if they already travelled through California on their current tour…
Streaming audio:
Streaming video:
[photo via Sneak Attack Media]
*** Update 02.22.2009 1:40 AM PST ***
The currently unavailable show is ready for download.
RS: http://tinyurl.com/bklpa5