Prediction: First Ever Top Chef: Just Desserts Winner
I’m a big fan of Top Chef, so naturally I’m also a big fan of Top Chef: Just Desserts.
Tonight’s episode will crown the first winner of the Top Chef: Just Desserts. Zac Young and his disco dust were just sent packing after a disastrous cake was made for Sylvia Weinstock. It’s now between Yigit Pura, Morgan Wilson, and Danielle Keene.
Yigit has so much potential, but the last few episodes have “broken [his] self-confidence.” Morgan has been the most consistent chef throughout the entire season. Though Danielle has been inconsistent throughout the entire season, she won the last challenge and might be able to carry the momentum to the finale.

That said, my prediction is that Morgan will be the first winner of Top Chef: Just Desserts.
Either way, I’ll just be happy to see Gail Simmons and a little bit of Johnny Iuzzini.
[image via Vegan Crunk]