I probably should take more advantage of these free concerts while I can. It’s always interesting to see up-and-coming bands perform on small stages. The all-girl duo of Agent Ribbons performed at Sac State this afternoon. The band is sort of indie folk. That’s not a very good description, but you can listen for yourself…
I hadn’t heard of the Sacramento band until I heard they were performing at Sac State. Last night I went to their Myspace page and listened to a few songs. Like almost every band, they definitely sound better live.
Here are some photos. The limitations of my camera phone are evident. I NEED a new camera!

I was surprised by how many people were there. Usually people get turned off by lesser known acts, even with free concerts. There were also some people who were really big fans too. The set was only 45-minutes, but lead singer Natalie Gordon was losing her voice and was playing on a guitar with a broken string. Lauren Hess played the drums and definitely looked like she was enjoying herself. I should’ve bought a sticker or two…
Apple is on track to sell 25 million iPods this quarter. Granted this is a holiday season, but that number is absolutely ridiculous.
Yah for Dexter, which just became the most watched Showtime tv series ever with 1.23 million viewers for November 20, 2007’s airing of 2×08 “Morning Comes.” It doesn’t look too optimistic for Dexter as the season starts to wind down…
Quote from Homicide: Life On The Street:
Det. Tim Bayliss: “I’m a detective, Frank. I’m a keen observer of the human condition. I pick up on the subtlest clues, I react to the slightest suggestion. In short, I deduct.”
Det. Frank Pembleton: “Who told you?”
Det. Tim Bayliss: “Brodie.”
I thought I had more to post, but I guess I will leave with a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.