It’s here.

At long last, this really funny, yet campy pseudo horror movie is finally available as a two-disc DVD — all 82 minutes of it!
HD-DVD doesn’t get any love.
1. Target has announced that it is only selling Blu ray DVDs from now on.
2. Thieves steal everything Blu ray from an electronics store, and leave everything HD-DVD. That’s not good. How do you pass up something that’s FREE!
I switched off between watching two exciting baseball games last night: the San Francisco Giants against the Florida Marlins and the Atlanta Braves against the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Barry Bonds smashed his 754th home run. Barry Zito gave up six runs in four IP. But the Giants still won, even though the Marlins fought back from a 12-7 deficit in the 7th inning to lose 12-10. Our bullpen sucks.
During the Braves game, there was a strange play in the 9th inning. A lead-off walk to Yunel Escobar by Jose Valverde led to a steal for second base when every DB infielder weren’t paying attention. By the time Valverde noticed what was going on, Escobar had already grabbed second base. The next batter Willie Harris hit a bloop single to score Escobar and tie the game 7-7.
You could see the look of utter disgust in DB manager Bob Melvin’s face. On the flip side, if Escobar was thrown out to end the game, everyone would have been like “what the f*ck was he thinking?”
For Valverde’s sake, the DB eventually won in the 11th inning, so his blunder didn’t cost the team a victory. But a very heads-up play by the rookie Escobar.